The MasterKeys© offers pathways with new paradigm tools & techniques specifically dedicated for today’s Health & Wellbeing Practitioners to flourish.

Imagine using new quantum energy methods that facilitate deeper transformations and lasting empowerment, so clients and practitioners can reach their highest potential.

It’s no secret that today’s therapists, coaches and healers require new innovative ways and a high level of inner strength in order to consistently guide and help their clients.

We understand that holistic practitioners need to be empathetic, but his doesn’t mean they are ‘soft flowers’ quite the opposite is true.


In order to facilitate deep and powerful transformational work, today’s professional requires a level of Self mastery and inner strength to be able to support others.

Working with The MasterKeys© will help you to walk your path of dedication in the service of others with greater strength by

  • building the confidence to stand in your essence

  • deeper knowingness of your purpose

  • being seen for the work you do

  • receiving real encouragement

  • magnifying wisdom from your own mastery within

The MasterKeys© inspires a new way forward with unique professional evolution and skillsets for any practitioner who is naturally holistic in approach.

With proven pathways to expand potential, these new tools and methods working with informational energy medicine, accelerate both client's and practitioner’s awakenings and transformations.

As the world experienced great changes in 2020, so many bodyworkers and practitioners lost their businesses and Jane was counting her blessings that her work could continue because of the evolution of these powerful new tools and methods of The MasterKeys©.

The MasterKeys© were created as new consciousness frameworks by Mind-Body-Soul Practitioner and Teacher, Jane Gruebner, in 2020. 

Jane unlocked innovative ways to continue her work and is now dedicated to share these new tools and pathways for others to effectively and easily use in-person or online.

These revolutionary ways add a natural progression and complement any existing modern practice.

The MasterKeys© Were Created By Jane Gruebner

Jane is dedicated to passing on this inspirational work to those who support others to live a full and rich life.

Jane has been working in the world of whole health, wellbeing and intuitive wisdom for the past 30 years; travelling the world exploring the latest research, attending conferences and remaining at the forefront of emerging knowledge and training.

Through her work and these changing times she acknowledges that the union of science and spirituality is being validated thanks to the commitment of the pioneering neuroscientists, epigeneticists, cellular biologists and quantum physicists.

The expansiveness of these fields and the measurement of the scientific benefits are demystifying many healing processes.

The MasterKeys© are practical tools aligned to universal principles that facilitate expansiveness and growth in awareness and awakening.

Right now we need an aligned and trusted path, with healing frameworks that offer no contraindications and have the capacity to activate untapped potential within us.

Designed for the practitioner who is looking for professional and personal evolution, as well as specific techniques to utilise with their clients.

Easily integrated to work alongside or infused into any existing practice.

The MasterKeys© has two paths, the
Silver Path for personal evolution and the Gold Path for new client tools .

The Silver Path: For Practitioners' Personal Development & Evolution

From intuition to Intuitive Intelligence

Be clear and confident within your Self personally and professionally.

Introducing Intuition-Alignment-Process IAP© a dynamic and unique framework to consciously work with your higher mind.

You Will Discover: 

  • A simple yet powerful process to tap easily into your natural intuitive superpower.

  • A way to ascend seamlessly with your intuitive wisdom.

  • A process to heighten and work effectively with your metaphysical senses.

  • A way to gain additional insights and understandings otherwise unobtainable.

The Gold Path:  Become a Certified MasterKeys© Transformation Coach

Working with your client One on One with a profound guided inner journey.

Introducing The MEE© Method that specifically Activates Inner Alchemy for client’s deep transformation and healing.

You Will Learn: 

  • An intentional and gentle process to Activate Inner Alchemy of your client.

  • A curated guided process that allows connection with our 3 inner operating systems of life: Mind - Ego - Essence.

  • Empower clients by giving them the gift of becoming the conscious ‘driver’ of their life.

The Keys are universal principles.

The MasterKeys© provide the skill & knowledge to implement them practically and effectively.

The Silver Path:  For Practitioners' Personal Development & Evolution

The Silver Path has been developed for practitioners and therapists to connect, inspire and upskill within, strengthening the confidence to grow themselves and their practice.

The Silver Path will help you to:

  • Learn new techniques that integrate into current personal preparation and practices.

  • Stimulate and ignite your intuitive intelligence taking your life to new heights.

  • Deepen and strengthen your connection to your inner light maintaining your sense of true purpose.

  • Unlock your superpowers and wisdom to allow for a more conscious life.

  • Elevate your Self mastery and flourish.

The Gold Path:  Become a Certified MasterKeys© Transformation Coach

Learn cutting edge tools created for specifically the therapist, coach and modern healer comitted to empower clients, utilising established quantum and meta-physics, psycho-therapy and neuro-science principles and potential to integrate into your existing practice.

The Gold Path will help you to:

  • Reach a new level of understanding and expansiveness to activate transformational healing for your clients.

  • Learn new techniques to pass on to your clients to overcome life challenges ie: anxiety, worry and stress, trauma, stuckness, loss of direction and purpose.

  • Assist your clients on their life journey to manifest a new life path because of their own personal transformation of empowerment.

By following the path of The MasterKeys©, you will feel and live the experience every step of the way:

Gentle, supportive, and non-invasive techniques along with the inner journey process called The MEE Method (TMM) offers holistic tools using the best of what Jane has learned from her own practice and from her global training; combining science, quantum, meta-physics, neuroscience, epigenetics, energy medicine, infusing ancient wisdom to western philosophies.

By unlocking, unleashing these new tools and methods you upgrade your abilities, providing you with new refreshing and potent ways to work with your clients.

Each event offers an important 'key' concept – these keys help activate and support your client's transformation, personal growth and healing.

The easy integration of The MasterKeys© with your current practice – offering you complete flexibility within your current practice and enhancing the capacity to scale and grow.

Our stand alone techniques, methods and approach will allow you to customise your services and expand the ways which you can support and empower your clients.

  • I’ve been working with Jane and benefiting from her energy work for more than 3 years.

    She’s helped release what has needed releasing, opened what’s needed opening and strengthened my foundations whether my body was in crisis or spiritual expansion. This has proven phenomenally beneficial time and again. Being supported by Jane is profoundly empowering and transformational whether treating a child, an adult, a parent, an executive or anyone else.

    ~ Dr Kate More, Sydney, Australia

  • So many insights.

    Thank you, Jane, so much appreciation. Your help and support has been amazing, and so insightful and expansive. I have grown so much. I’m better equipped for my next adventures in life as a result.

    ~ Dr David

  • From deep childhood resentment, and a sense of self-pity to now I am flying high like an eagle.

    From deep childhood resentment, and a sense of self-pity to now I am flying high like an eagle. I found it hard to develop and maintain long-term relationships. A feeling of hopelessness and helplessness, and very self-critical. Smothered by mother, family and friends. Always wanted to please, and make others happy. Most of the time at my expense. In relationships, I was physically and mentally abused. The wake-up day arrived. I was told I had breast cancer. Halfway through Chemo, a lovely friend told me about Jane. I now have a different approach to life. I love it, and so grateful for all I have. The resentment, self-pity and other things that I had problems with are no longer a concern.

    - Pauleen L, Auckland, New Zealand

"What an amazing opportunity for Clinicians to dive deeply for themselves. Imagine being able to then share these learnings with your clients.

Grasp this chance to be Your Best and exemplify everything that you bring to your Life. TY Jane for creating this process."

Brian Collins ~ West Coast, New Zealand


"Working with TMM© in my clinic has brought a new depth to my practice, it has allowed me to guide my clients to identify their own patterns and shift them easily within themselves, clearing old patterns, trauma, and pain in their body in one simple session."

Kate Taylor-Reid ~ Northland, New Zealand

BodyIntuitive, Kiromiromi, Mahi Wairua Practitioner

"My own life completely changed with TMM© I just had to become a TMM© Coach, it was definitely the right move for me. Clients respond really well on a personal level.

I also find it very rewarding as a TMM© Coach to teach people how to help themselves.”

Andrea Vitali ~ Nelson, New Zealand

Mindset Coach, Nutritionist

Expand Your Personal And Professional Path To Facilitate Deep Transformations For Your Business And Your Clients